Our creative design team customizes a tailored design plan to suit all lifestyles, demographic regions, and budgets to resonate with each clients target market.

  1. Fit out work
  2. Gybcum board
  3. Wallpapers
  4. Floor covering
  5. light fitting
  6. Automation system
  7. Carpentery work
  8. Interion Design
  9. Autocated working drawing
  10. Aytocated detailed drawing
  11. 3D visual design
  12. Supervision work
  13. Landscaping
  14. Furnishing work
  15. Uniqe handmade furinture
  16. Importing ready furniture


Your workspace is a reflection of your brand, business, and corporate values. Let your office exhibit the attributes that make your company distinct from others, with the help of HortonTech Interiors – the trusted name in office design in Dubai.


We create living spaces that enhance lifestyles and enrich experiences. For industry leading services and cutting edge designs, partner with Eilin Interiors Decorations an emerging commercial interior design company in Dubai.


At EiLiN DESiGN, we understand how imperative it is to develop a retail space that captures the essence of the brand, products, and services that your business or corporation stand for.


Being a leading EiLiN interior decoration landscape design company and contractor in Dubai work upon three ‎essential elements:‎

Creation of the best landscape design with the newest trends in the market. Importance of art in the designing process, and more.